A Place To Call Home
Start Shaping Your New Future.

Section 8 and SRO Housing in Los Angeles

Tenant Policies

Have 1-Person-Guest at a time

Have pets as long as the tenant has ESA letter printed with them at all times

Pass the security desk if the tenants do not have the card keys and do not identify their names and their unit numbers to the security guards

Leave trash or other personal belongings in the hallway

Have unauthorized guests in their units

Hangout outside in front of the building door

Make loud noises or get into a fight with other tenants

The TENANT or GUEST to identify if he/she is a TENANT or a GUEST before he/she pass the security desk! GUESTS and TENANTS must be patient to be verified by the security guard

The GUEST to call the TENANT to come down and get his/her GUEST(NO EXCEPTIONS!)

The GUEST to fill out the guest form and hold their ID before passing the security desk

The TENANT if he/she has an ESA letter for his/her pets

The TENANT to present his/her ID and fill out a form to unlock his/her unit door. A $10 lockout Fee will be added to next month’s rent

The TENANT and GUEST not to hold the door for ANYONE else behind them

ANYONE NOT to hangout in front of the building door inside the black metal space

Security Guards will contact and will get building operations manager, leasing manager, community resident liaison

The guards can call the Downtown Safety Patrol Officers on illegal activities and policy violators

LAPD will be contacted if any tenant and guest does anything illegal

Your pet must always be on leash and you must have your ESA letter with you at all times

Animal Control will be for any pets wandering anywhere in the building without their owners

You may be disciplined, banned, reported to police, and/or up to being evicted for failure to follow the building management policies.

Report Security TIPS TEXT (213) 877-3613

Report Issues & Incidents to Security Desk
WEB: cecil411.com/report
EMAIL: report@cecil411.com
TEXT: (213) 877-3613

Non-Emergency Services
Los Angeles Police Dept 251 E. 6th St. Los Angeles, CA 90014